
8 tips to maximise your Christmas break and come back refreshed in 2024!

I love this time of year, the build up to Christmas, the rush to get everything done at work before the children break up.

This year my eldest will be revising for GCSE mocks, which will mean a quieter festive break than usual – but I am secretly pleased – after a busy year, Christmas is my favourite seasonal holiday, as the construction industry quietens and I can really switch off.

7 years ago, we moved into our new house, just before Christmas. You can imagine the stress levels, trying to get everything straight in the house, as well as getting the decorations up! That Christmas, over a 2 week period, we had a total of 24 guests to stay over night, and catered for and entertained 52 family and friends. It was great fun, but exhausting. It was like running a hotel, and I went back to work in Janaury absolutely shattered!

Since then, I make sure we plan days where we have nothing in the calendar, to make the most of some downtime. And when we are entertaining, I always take people up on their offer of help or to bring something with them.

So, my advice – holidays come and go in the blink of an eye – you can get lost in last minute shopping, endless meals out, parties and it feels like you are constantly eating and drinking, being hung over….. (I know its not just me!) – then doing it all again – and before you know it, you are back at work, a few pounds heavier and you wonder where the last few weeks have gone. It’s January – your next break may be ages away, your bank account is looking bleak and you have endured time with some relatives that you would really rather avoid!

Two weeks sounds like a long time, 336 hours sounds shorter! This year I have made a Christmas holiday chart – so that I can make the most of the time off and it doesn’t just pass me by.

Here are some of my top tips, to maximise your time off;

  1. Get ahead with present buying and wrapping
  2. A digital detox is always beneficial – no mindless scrolling, looking at everyone else’s Christmas frivolities!
  3. Long walks
  4. Make sure you fit in some exercise and healthy meals, it’s all about damage limitation!
  5. Be present and enjoy the moment, spend quality time with your nearest and dearest
  6. Read a great book. I love putting the log burner on and curling up with a good book
  7. Take time to plan for 2024, include some personal goals and trips away
  8. Give back. There is a really nice feeling to doing something good for others, it can be as simple as taking some extra items to a food bank, or getting involved in volunteering with an organisation you are passionate about.

Christmas is not just for the kids! Enjoy and make the most of your time off.

Posted by: Kingsley Recruitment