
When Did Spending Time with Your Kids Become a Hobby???

In the ever-evolving landscape of CVs and job applications, the inclusion of hobbies has long been a topic of debate. Some argue that hobbies can provide valuable insights into a candidate's personality, interests, and even their potential fit within a company culture. Others believe that hobbies are irrelevant to job performance and should be omitted altogether. However, amidst this discussion, there's a peculiar trend that's caught my attention: the portrayal of parenting, as a hobby.

I have never seen this “hobby” on a female candidates CV!

Traditionally, CVs have been a platform for individuals to showcase their professional qualifications, work experience, and relevant skills. Hobbies were often seen as optional additions, offering glimpses into a candidate's personal life. However, the decision to include hobbies has not been uniform across genders. Women, in particular, are less likely to include hobbies on their CVs, perhaps due to societal expectations or a focus on professional achievements over personal interests.

But what's more intriguing is the recent surge in men stating "spending time with their children" as a hobby on their CVs. While it's commendable that fathers are increasingly valuing and prioritising their roles as caregivers, the framing of parenting as a hobby raises some eyebrows.

Parenting is a profound responsibility and a fundamental aspect of family life, but it's not a hobby in the traditional sense. Hobbies are activities pursued for leisure, relaxation, or personal enjoyment. They often involve specific interests or passions, such as gardening, painting, or playing a musical instrument. Parenting, on the other hand, is a full-time commitment that encompasses a wide range of responsibilities, from nurturing and educating children to providing emotional support and guidance.

By categorising parenting as a hobby, there's a risk of trivialising the significance of caregiving and reinforcing outdated gender stereotypes. Historically, women have shouldered the bulk of childcare responsibilities, often without recognition or acknowledgment outside the domestic sphere. The emergence of men listing parenting as a hobby could be seen as a positive step towards acknowledging the importance of fatherhood. Still, it also highlights the disparity in how caregiving activities are perceived and valued based on gender.

Moreover, the inclusion of parenting as a hobby on CVs raises questions about professionalism and relevance. While employers may appreciate candidates who prioritize work-life balance and family commitments, the CV is primarily a tool for showcasing professional qualifications and suitability for a role. Listing parenting as a hobby may detract from more relevant information and dilute the focus on skills and experiences directly related to the job.

In conclusion, the decision to include hobbies on a CV is a personal one, but it's essential to consider the implications carefully. While hobbies can provide insights into a candidate's personality and interests, the portrayal of parenting as a hobby blurs the line between personal and professional spheres. Instead of framing caregiving as a leisure activity, it's crucial to recognize and respect the significance of parenting as a central aspect of family life. Perhaps it's time to rethink the conventions of CVs and prioritise professionalism while acknowledging the importance of work-life balance and family responsibilities.

Posted by: Kingsley Recruitment